Exclusive Offer for School Leaders, Claim your FREE Positive Handling book! 

RRP 12,99 - FREE 

The school leaders guide to Positive Handling is a concise guide to managing classroom disruptions.  

This book provides simple guidance for a complex issue and is an essential addition to any school leaders reading resource.  

We have a limited stock, claim your FREE copy now.


  • How to reduce the need for physical interventions.

  • Interpreting the current legislation.

  • The laws covering the "Use of force" in schools.

  • Tips and Tools to help staff de-escalate volatile situations. 

  • "Real World" guidance in protecting staff and pupils.  

  • How to present robust due diligence evidence for Inspections.

Positive Handling Training In Schools

Our 1-day Positive Handling training course is designed for any educational staff who work with children and young people. The training course in Positive Handling was developed considering the physical intervention and de-escalation needs in schools and is delivered nationally in both primary and secondary schools settings.

Are you interested in having your own in-school Positive Handling Trainer?  

The Positive Handling Academy is an exclusive Accredited Mentorship Programme to help your school develop in-house training to better manage behaviour and disruption in the classroom, saves money and more responsive.

Tom Aitken

Thomas is one of the UK's leading teacher safety experts, he provides advice and guidance to schools on violence, risk reduction, critical incident predictions, Positive Handling strategies and teacher personal safety. He has worked within education and with young children for over 20 years. In roles as diverse as Published Author, Qualification Writer and Director of an OFQUAL Regulated Awarding body.  

As a Trained Expert Witness through Bond Solon legal training company, he can bring your school unique experience and insight to addressing violent behaviour in schools. Thomas and his team currently engage with over 900 schools across the UK, helping to protect staff and pupils.  

He lives in Sussex with his wife Natalie, and have 2 children, Lara and Max.  

Tom Aitken, Teacher Safety Expert

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